Saskatchewan Green Party


This party is yet to add their policies to VoteMate.
We'll pass along your disapproval.

In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.

Candidates in other districts

Raven Reid

Green candidate for Athabasca

Hamish Graham

Green candidate for Batoche

Natalie Clysdale

Green candidate for Cannington

Casimira Rimando

Green candidate for Canora-Pelly

Liam Becker

Green candidate for Carrot River Valley

Siwichis Bird-Paddy

Green candidate for Cumberland

Holly Ennis

Green candidate for Cut Knife-Turtleford

Clayton Cave

Green candidate for Cypress Hills

Joseph Reynolds

Green candidate for Dakota-Arm River

Billy Patterson

Green candidate for Estevan-Big Muddy

Sharon Thiebault

Green candidate for Humboldt-Watrous

Gillian Halyk

Green candidate for Kelvington-Wadena

Darcy Robilliard

Green candidate for Kindersley-Biggar

Daymion Tyndale

Green candidate for Last Mountain-Touchwood

Patrick McNally

Green candidate for Lloydminster

Isaiah Hunter

Green candidate for Lumsden-Morse

Brittney Ricottone

Green candidate for Martensville-Blairmore

Candice Turner

Green candidate for Meadow Lake

Tristan St. Germain

Green candidate for Melfort

Micah Mang

Green candidate for Melville-Saltcoats

Kimberley Epp

Green candidate for Moose Jaw North

Mike Gardiner

Green candidate for Moose Jaw Wakamow

Remi Rheault

Green candidate for Moosomin-Montmartre

Andrew Muirhead

Green candidate for Prince Albert Carlton

Jarren Ross

Green candidate for Prince Albert Northcote

Maria Krznar

Green candidate for Regina Coronation Park

Victor Lau

Green candidate for Regina Douglas Park

Jim Elliott

Green candidate for Regina Elphinstone-Centre

Heather MacNeill

Green candidate for Regina Lakeview

Regina Demyen

Green candidate for Regina Mount Royal

Anthony Majore

Green candidate for Regina Northeast

Ektineras Cablys

Green candidate for Regina Pasqua

Irene Browatzke

Green candidate for Regina Rochdale

Leonie Williams

Green candidate for Regina South Albert

Cedar Park

Green candidate for Regina University

Dianna Holigriski

Green candidate for Regina Walsh Acres

Bo Chen

Green candidate for Regina Wascana Plains

Sean Muirhead

Green candidate for Rosetown-Delisle

Janice Dongworth

Green candidate for Rosthern-Shellbrook

Alesha Bruce

Green candidate for Saskatchewan Rivers

Darry Michelle

Green candidate for Saskatoon Centre

Shane Caellaigh

Green candidate for Saskatoon Chief Mistawasis

Morgan McAdam

Green candidate for Saskatoon Churchill-Wildwood

Kendra Anderson

Green candidate for Saskatoon Eastview

Phoenix Neault

Green candidate for Saskatoon Fairview

Jacklin Andrews

Green candidate for Saskatoon Meewasin

Whitney Greenleaf

Green candidate for Saskatoon Nutana

Naomi Hunter

Green candidate for Saskatoon Riversdale

Jackie Hanson

Green candidate for Saskatoon Silverspring

Mohammad Mansour Abusha'r

Green candidate for Saskatoon Southeast

Cheryl Mazil

Green candidate for Saskatoon Stonebridge

Felipe Guerra

Green candidate for Saskatoon University-Sutherland

Jupiter Neault

Green candidate for Saskatoon Westview

Tawe Morin

Green candidate for Saskatoon Willowgrove

George Watson

Green candidate for Swift Current

Sara Paitrofsky

Green candidate for The Battlefords

Adriana Hackl Pinno

Green candidate for Warman

North Hunter

Green candidate for Weyburn-Bengough

Herb Bellrose

Green candidate for White City-Qu'appelle

Melvin Pylychuk

Green candidate for Wood River

Valerie Brooks

Green candidate for Yorkton