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Justice, Crime, & Law Enforcement platforms

Here's what the candidates in Chatham-Kent—Leamington, and their parties, are promising.


We don't have any PPC policies on Cannabis.
We don't have any Conservative policies on Cannabis.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Cannabis.


  • Lower federally set price for cannabis, making it competitive with illegal supplies.
  • Eliminate requirements for excess packaging.
  • Remove sales tax on medicinal products.
  • Exempt CBD from the restrictions of the Prescriptions List.

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Lower the federally set price for cannabis to make it competitive with illegal supplies.

Eliminate requirements for excess plastic packaging on legal cannabis.

Remove the sales tax on medicinal products.

Allow outdoor production and impose organic production standards.

Exempt CBD from the restrictions of the Prescriptions List, allowing hemp growers to produce it as a natural health product. This would strengthen the hemp industry and increase supply so those who use it for medicinal purposes do not have to purchase it illegally.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Reform the process of record suspensions for simple possession of cannabis to maximize fairness and accessibility for marginalized communities, and review the process of record suspensions as it applies to other offences.

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Proactively expunge criminal records for Canadians convicted of minor cannabis possession.

Civil & family justice services

We don't have any PPC policies on Civil & family justice services.
We don't have any Conservative policies on Civil & family justice services.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Civil & family justice services.


Reform the policy, legislation, programming, and funding framework for Canada's superior courts so that civil and family justice services become more accessible to Canadians.
We don't have any NDP policies on Civil & family justice services.

Correctional workers

We don't have any PPC policies on Correctional workers.
We don't have any Conservative policies on Correctional workers.
We don't have any Green policies on Correctional workers.
We don't have any NDP policies on Correctional workers.

Deferred Prosecution Agreements & SNC-Lavalin scandal

We don't have any PPC policies on Deferred Prosecution Agreements & SNC-Lavalin scandal.


  • Develop a clear framework for use of Deferred Prosecution Agreements and require the Director of Public Prosecutions to report on negotiated DPAs.
  • Implement McLellan Report recommendations for a clear written exchange of views between ministers.


  • Immediately launch an independent public inquiry into alleged attempts from the Prime Minister's office to interfere in the former Attorney General decision-making authority.
  • Prohibit corporations facing criminal charges from lobbying elected officials.

Extremism & terrorism

We don't have any PPC policies on Extremism & terrorism.
We don't have any Conservative policies on Extremism & terrorism.


  • Invest additional $6 million in the Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence.
  • Invest resources to counter the rise of international far-right networks and terrorist organizations.
  • Create a Director of Terrorism Prosecutions.
  • Create a review body for CBSA.

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To better coordinate efforts to prosecute terror suspects to the fullest extent of the law, we will move forward with the creation of a Director of Terrorism Prosecutions. This new office will make sure that Canadians who travel abroad to join terrorist organizations, or who participate in terrorist organizations here at home, are brought to justice.

We will also move forward with more support for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, so that they can hire and train 100 additional officers for offices and embassies abroad. This will improve our ability to combat terrorism, human trafficking, drug smuggling, money laundering, and other forms of organized crime.

We will also move forward with reintroducing legislation to create a review body for the Canada Border Services Agency – the only remaining security agency that does not have its own independent review.

From Forward, retrieved 2019-09-30.

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We don't have any Green policies on Extremism & terrorism.


  • Address radicalization by focusing on keeping youth from violent extremism through support for community-led initiatives.
  • Work with international allies, enhance real-time oversight of security services, and fully respect privacy and Charter rights of all Canadians.

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We’ll address radicalization by focusing on preventing youth from falling prey to violent extremism through support for community-led initiatives.

New Democrats will deal with threats to our national security, including foreign interference and espionage, terrorism, and cybercrime, by working with our international allies, enhancing real-time oversight of security services, and fully respecting the privacy and Charter rights of all Canadians.

From A New Deal for People, retrieved 2019-09-22.

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We don't have any PPC policies on Gangs.


  • End automatic bail for gang members awaiting trial and revoke parole for those who associate with their former gang following release.
  • Identify known gangs as criminal entities.
  • Bring in tougher sentences including 5-year mandatory prison sentence for violent gang crime.

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End automatic bail for gang members awaiting trial and revoke parole for any gang member who associates with their former gang following release.

Identify known gangs as criminal entities in the Criminal Code, similar to how terrorist organizations are currently listed.

Bring in tougher sentences, including a five-year minimum mandatory prison sentence for violent gang crime, with a new five-year minimum mandatory prison sentence for possession of a smuggled firearm.

From Andrew Scheer releases Conservative plan for A Safer Canada, retrieved 2019-10-08.

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  • Invest an additional $50m each year for five years in dedicated funding to help municipalities meet the needs of communities at risk.
  • Work to expand successful diversion programmes to keep at-risk youth out of the criminal justice system.
We don't have any Green policies on Gangs.


We don't have any PPC policies on Guns.


  • Create a CBSA firearms smuggling task force to intercept illegal firearms at the Canada-US border.
  • Strengthen background checks for gun licenses and make it a crime to provide a firearm to anyone who has been prohibiting from owning one.


  • Ban all military-style assault rifles, including a buyback programme.
  • Work with provinces & territories to give municipalities the ability to further restrict or ban handguns.
  • Don't bring back the long-gun registry.
  • Make sure CBSA & RCMP can detect and stop weapons at border.

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We will move forward with a ban on all military-style assault rifles, including the AR-15, and will take other steps to keep people safe from gun violence, including:

introducing a buyback program for all military-style assault rifles legally purchased in Canada, with fair market prices for owners and more resources for law enforcement to administer the program;

working with provinces and territories to give municipalities the ability to further restrict or ban handguns; and

protecting the rights of hunters and farmers, by not bringing back the long-gun registry. Hunters and farmers do not use or need assault weapons.

make sure the Canada Border Services Agency and Royal Canadian Mounted Police have the resources they need to detect and stop the flow of weapons at our borders;

require everyone importing ammunition to show proof of a valid firearms license;

make it harder for legal weapons to get into the hands of criminals by further strengthening safe-storage laws;

address the problem of gender-based and intimate-partner violence head on, by temporarily suspending firearms licenses for people who are suspected of posing a danger to themselves or others, including their partners or kids;

introduce a system for flagging bulk purchases of guns;

strengthen penalties for people seeking to smuggle firearms into Canada; and

limit the glorification of violence, by changing the way firearms are advertised, marketed, and sold in Canada.

From Forward, retrieve 2019-09-30.

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Human trafficking

We don't have any PPC policies on Human trafficking.


  • Strengthen human trafficking laws, including consecutive sentences for those who are convicted on multiple counts of human trafficking.
  • Ensure Canada meets commitments under the Palermo Protocol.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Human trafficking.
We don't have any Green policies on Human trafficking.
We don't have any NDP policies on Human trafficking.

Legal aid & access to justice

We don't have any PPC policies on Legal aid & access to justice.
We don't have any Conservative policies on Legal aid & access to justice.


  • Provide free legal aid to survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence.
  • Require all judges to take training on sexual assault law.
  • Enable hiring of as many as 425 new Crown prosecutors and 225 new judges.

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providing free legal aid to survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence, to make sure that they have access to quality, affordable legal representation;

requiring that all judges in Canada undertake mandatory training on sexual assault law, including myths and stereotypes about victims and the effects of trauma on victims’ memory (the “Ambrose bill”); and

providing additional support to the provinces and territories, to enable them to hire as many as 425 new Crown prosecutors, and 225 new judges, to help reduce delays.

From Forward, retrieved 2019-09-30.

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We don't have any Green policies on Legal aid & access to justice.

Mandatory minimums

We don't have any PPC policies on Mandatory minimums.
We don't have any Conservative policies on Mandatory minimums.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Mandatory minimums.


We don't have any PPC policies on Policing.
We don't have any Conservative policies on Policing.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Policing.
We don't have any Green policies on Policing.


  • Work with provinces, territories, and Indigenous governments to support community policing.
  • Make sure RCMP retains trained members and provides a harassment-free work environment.

Prisons and prisoners

We don't have any PPC policies on Prisons and prisoners.


  • Tie parole eligibility to job skills training.
  • Take steps towards statutory release & replace it with earned parole.
  • Continue to fund extant rehab programs focusing on literacy, numeracy, anger management, & addiction.
  • Require all necessary admin work complete before release.

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 - End unescorted day passes from prison
 - End the prison needle exchange program
 - Require full body scans for those who enter prison

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Establish an independent Criminal Case Review Commission to make wrongfully convicted applications easier.

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establishing an independent Criminal Case Review Commission, to make it easier and faster for potentially wrongfully convicted people to have their applications reviewed;

From Forward, retrieved 2019-09-30.

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We don't have any NDP policies on Prisons and prisoners.

Victims of crime

We don't have any PPC policies on Victims of crime.
We don't have any Conservative policies on Victims of crime.
We don't have any Liberal policies on Victims of crime.
We don't have any Green policies on Victims of crime.


Provide victims access to services and supports such as counselling, referrals, police, and court-related services, and a voice in decisions that may impact their safety.