Saskatchewan Party


This party is yet to add their policies to VoteMate.
We'll pass along your disapproval.

In the meantime, you can learn more about them on their website.

Candidates in other districts

Jim Lemaigre

SP candidate for Athabasca

Darlene Rowden

SP candidate for Batoche

Daryl Harrison

SP candidate for Cannington

Sean Wilson

SP candidate for Canora-Pelly

Terri Bromm

SP candidate for Carrot River Valley

Gregory Seib

SP candidate for Cumberland

James Thorsteinson

SP candidate for Cut Knife-Turtleford

Doug Steele

SP candidate for Cypress Hills

Barret Kropf

SP candidate for Dakota-Arm River

Lori Carr

SP candidate for Estevan-Big Muddy

Racquel Hilbert

SP candidate for Humboldt-Watrous

Chris Beaudry

SP candidate for Kelvington-Wadena

Kim Gartner

SP candidate for Kindersley-Biggar

Travis Keisig

SP candidate for Last Mountain-Touchwood

Colleen Young

SP candidate for Lloydminster

Blaine McLeod

SP candidate for Lumsden-Morse

Jamie Martens

SP candidate for Martensville-Blairmore

Jeremy Harrison

SP candidate for Meadow Lake

Todd Goudy

SP candidate for Melfort

Warren Kaeding

SP candidate for Melville-Saltcoats

Tim McLeod

SP candidate for Moose Jaw North

Megan Patterson

SP candidate for Moose Jaw Wakamow

Kevin Weedmark

SP candidate for Moosomin-Montmartre

Kevin Kasun

SP candidate for Prince Albert Carlton

Alana Ross

SP candidate for Prince Albert Northcote

Riaz Ahmad

SP candidate for Regina Coronation Park

Ken Grey

SP candidate for Regina Douglas Park

Caesar Khan

SP candidate for Regina Elphinstone-Centre

Sarah Wright

SP candidate for Regina Lakeview

Jaspreet Mander

SP candidate for Regina Mount Royal

Rahul Singh

SP candidate for Regina Northeast

Muhammad Fiaz

SP candidate for Regina Pasqua

Laura Ross

SP candidate for Regina Rochdale

Khushdil Mehrok

SP candidate for Regina South Albert

Gene Makowsky

SP candidate for Regina University

Liaqat Ali

SP candidate for Regina Walsh Acres

Christine Tell

SP candidate for Regina Wascana Plains

Jim Reiter

SP candidate for Rosetown-Delisle

Scott Moe

SP candidate for Rosthern-Shellbrook

Eric Schmalz

SP candidate for Saskatchewan Rivers

Dale Hrynuik

SP candidate for Saskatoon Centre

Parminder Singh

SP candidate for Saskatoon Chief Mistawasis

Lisa Lambert

SP candidate for Saskatoon Churchill-Wildwood

Francis Kreiser

SP candidate for Saskatoon Eastview

Zahid Sandhu

SP candidate for Saskatoon Fairview

Maureen Alice Torr

SP candidate for Saskatoon Meewasin

Mumtaz Naseeb

SP candidate for Saskatoon Nutana

Olugbenga Fakoyejo

SP candidate for Saskatoon Riversdale

Paul Merriman

SP candidate for Saskatoon Silverspring

John Owojori

SP candidate for Saskatoon Southeast

Bronwyn Eyre

SP candidate for Saskatoon Stonebridge

Ghislaine McLeod

SP candidate for Saskatoon University-Sutherland

David Buckingham

SP candidate for Saskatoon Westview

Ken Cheveldayoff

SP candidate for Saskatoon Willowgrove

Everett Hindley

SP candidate for Swift Current

Jeremy Cockrill

SP candidate for The Battlefords

Terry Jenson

SP candidate for Warman

Michael Weger

SP candidate for Weyburn-Bengough

Brad Crassweller

SP candidate for White City-Qu'appelle

David Marit

SP candidate for Wood River

David Chan

SP candidate for Yorkton