Tajinder Grewal


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submitted by the candidate or their team
Tajinder is a renowned scientist, devoted community leader, and the Saskatchewan NDP candidate in Saskatoon University-Sutherland. A dedicated volunteer and board member, Tajinder has served on many foundations and community organizations.

Tajinder has had a profound impact on the scientific and cultural landscapes of Saskatchewan, holding significant roles at SGS Canada Inc., the University of Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Research Council and the Punjabi Cultural Association of Saskatchewan. Tajinder is committed to ensuring a brighter future for Saskatchewan. He has been canvassing the Saskatoon University-Sutherland area relentlessly. You may have seen him in his area.

Reason for running

submitted by the candidate or their team
Tajinder is ready for a change. His priorities are fully funding K-12 education, fixing the public healthcare system, creating more good-paying jobs to make life more affordable. He believes in a better future with the right investments in our education and health care systems.

saskndp.ca/sus www.saskndp.ca/sus